Never mind the fact that it's now supposed to be "too cold" for mosquitoes (as if, it's 18 degrees right now and it's almost midnight!). Never mind the fact that I was covered up and only my hands and face were showing - two areas that mosquitoes are rarely attracted to.
No, I have nine on my right hand, two on my forehead, one on my cheek and three on my left hand.
In my forthcoming post entitled "ten reasons why Japan is better than England" - I shall most definitely not be including the wildlife as a pro. I'm so indignant the the first photo I upload to this blog will be one of my mutilated right hand:
You can't actually see too much in there, but they're absolutely gross!
Mannn it's awful. My legs are covered in them, I don't know how, because I always wear tights =< it's mental. I keep getting them on the back of my neck too, really weird. They go really mega red and stay for ages. At least it'll be winter soon and they'll die =p