Wednesday 7 December 2011

Black Holes, Revelations and World Peace

I've written a post in a while. Not really sure what I'm going to achieve by just writing one now - prossibly it won't even relate to Japan in much of a ways... But I am hoping this gets me back into the habit of regularly writing.
The truth is (実は in fact) that not much really blog-worthy has happened in the past weeks...

All right the school festival was pretty cool, but I had no time to write about it until ages after. In short, it's a chance for all the circles at the school to show off - there's lots of shows, food stands and little cafe bar things. Case in point, there was a pretty nice little piano cafe in room which was epic - tea, candles and epically skilled pianists... Methinks I'll try to blag my way through asking to join the piano society!

After that... It's all a lovely great (sober) blur. Time seems to mush up in the strangest way in this country - the morning (when you actually venture forth from bed) is overly long. The afternoon seems to pass at a fairly average rate, and the evening (primarily between about 6 and 10) seems to go absolutely nowhere. It's like living near a very small black hole, and the time dilation varies according to the proximity to midnight...

Tokyo tower last week was rather fun - large, panoramic views of Tokyo from 250m up (that's about 800 feet I think) - all by night... Didn't have my camera with me though, so no photographs are forthcoming!

On Sunday I went to Odaiba, and walked along the teleport bridge (seriously) into Palette town. I was so close to finding a security guard and asking him where I could get a charmander - どこヒトカゲを買うのができますか? - but I bottled it at the last minute... Fool!
There were some excellent Christmas shopping locations, including an entire shop dedicated to lego and lots of traditional Japanese crap (the latter will be making up most of my Christmas presentage).

I'm now on with trying to lessen my workload - it seems odd that so many subjects just require an essay for the end of term grading, rather than an exam - lots of kanji to learn, lots of words to write about dull topics, and lots of lesson notes to condense.
I don't imagine the Christmas break will be much fun at all...

In other news, I've solved the problem of achieving world peace:
If we were to all carpool, then the eventual outcome would be peace across all nations.

Think about it. You know it makes sense.

I'm going to try to get a blog done every week now - it's even on my to-do list!
At some point (I don't know if I've said this before) I'll be doing one in Japanese as well, just for practice purposes...

Coming soon:

  • 10 reasons why Japan is better than England
  • Christmas in Japan
  • New Year in Japan
  • Exams
  • Studio Ghibli museum

Any requests for things to do and/or write about?

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